Tag Archives: Montana

Blackfoot Pathways

40 miles to the north of us lies Missoula and its newspaper, The Missoulian (a town much like my Flagstaff, its newspaper owned by the same owner as The Arizona Daily Sun). On September 21st, I opened my daily Missoulian … Continue reading

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Forest Castles

“The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music” sang Maria Von Trapp, rejoicing in escape into her refuge as the nazi turmoil approached. The hills are still alive and still a refuge. In them I find forests of tall … Continue reading

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Forest Rising

The forest was dense with trees and bushes, its shade cool and calming. I was sitting in that shade, among the bushes, gathering the magical berry of the northwest, the blue (Cascade) huckleberry. Such an activity up in the northern … Continue reading

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Two Snows

I look forward to the quiet roar of winter snow on my land. The subtle crunch of frozen pine needles under the first falling energizes me. As powder rises toward our average 100 inches, I eagerly strap on snowshoes and … Continue reading

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Two Valleys

A two-lane highway pushes south in front of us, through a land that looks old and slow, big trucks going by in a blur as they head north. My wife, her parents, and me are on a July day trip. … Continue reading

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The Crossing

This is a story about what I hadn’t seen but could imagine. It started when my wife announced, “I saw two deer crossing the lane, at the railroad crossing”. “Railroad crossing?”, I asked“Yes” I thought, why not? I’ve been a … Continue reading

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Backroad To Lemhi

I was driving along Highway 28 in Idaho, the Sacajawea Memorial Highway, through the Lemhi Valley, when I noticed a sign on my right, pointing east toward a smooth dirt road and a pass. The Beaverhead Mountains rose above the … Continue reading

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The Roar

The cold moist air comes from the north, gathering its heft in the Gulf of Alaska. As it heads south, it runs into range after range and as it rises to pass over them, it condenses and drops it’s moisture … Continue reading

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